Source code for AGLOW.airflow.utils.AGLOW_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-                                                                                  
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from functools import wraps

import math

import logging                                                                                           
import subprocess
import os
import re
from os import fdopen, remove
from shutil import move

import pdb

from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults                                                      
from airflow.models import Variable
from airflow import settings
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin
from GRID_LRT.Staging.srmlist import srmlist
from import gsifile
from GRID_LRT import token
from GRID_LRT.auth.get_picas_credentials import picas_cred
import tempfile
from tempfile import mkstemp

from GRID_LRT.token import TokenList
from cloudant.client import CouchDB
from GRID_LRT.token import caToken

log = LoggingMixin().log

Field_Statuses={'AAA':'Starting Processing',
                'SSS':'Staging done',
                'CCC':'Calibrator Done',
                'TTT':'Target Done',

[docs]def get_task_instance(context, key, parent_dag=False ): if not parent_dag: return context['ti'].xcom_pull(task_ids=key) else: dag = context['dag'] return context['ti'].xcom_pull(dag_id=dag.parent_dag.dag_id, task_ids=key)
[docs]def get_user_proxy(username): """ Gets the X509 file by the user in order to perform authorized operations by them as opposed as by the DAG Executor """ pass
[docs]def make_srmfile_from_step_results(prev_step_token_task, parent_dag=None): """Makes a list of srms using the results of all the tokens in a previous task """ if not parent_dag: pass else: pass
[docs]def get_results_from_subdag(subdag_id, task='tokens', key="Results_location", return_key=None, **context): if not return_key: return_key=key'subdag_id is {}, task_id is {}'.format(subdag_id, task)) token_data = context['ti'].xcom_pull(dag_id=subdag_id, task_ids=task)'token_data is {}'.format(token_data)) token_type = token_data['token_type'] token_ids = token_data['token_ids'] return {return_key: get_result_files_from_tokenlist(token_type, token_ids, key)}
[docs]def get_cal_from_dir(base_dir, return_key=None, **context): cal_OBSID = get_task_instance(context, 'get_field_properties')['calib_OBSID'] directory = str(base_dir + cal_OBSID) fold = gsifile.GSIFile(directory) calfile = directory + '/CI_pref3_' + cal_OBSID + '.tar' return {return_key: calfile}
[docs]def get_result_files_from_tokenlist(token_type, token_ids, key="Results_location", **kwargs): pc = picas_cred() client = CouchDB(pc.user,pc.password, url='',connect=True) db=client[pc.database] tokenlist=TokenList(token_type=token_type, database=db) for token_id in token_ids: tokenlist.append(caToken(token_id=token_id, token_type=token_type, database=db)) tokenlist.fetch() results = [i[key] for i in tokenlist if key in i] if len(results) == 1: return results[0] return results
[docs]def launch_processing_subdag(prev_task, **context): task_dict = context['ti'].xcom_pull(prev_task)
[docs]def archive_tokens_from_task(token_task, delete=False, **context): """ Determines whic tokens to archive and saves them. delete if necessary """ task_dict = context['ti'].xcom_pull(token_task) t_type = task_dict['token_type'] archive_location = task_dict['output_dir'] archive_all_tokens(t_type, archive_location, delete=delete)
[docs]def archive_all_tokens(token_type, archive_location, delete=False): pc = picas_cred() th = token.TokenHandler(t_type=token_type, uname=pc.user, pwd=pc.password, dbn=pc.database) token_archive = th.archive_tokens(delete_on_save=delete, compress=True)"Archived tokens from " + token_type + " and made an archive: " + token_archive) + " size is " + str(os.stat(token_archive).st_size))['globus-url-copy '+token_archive+" "+archive_location+"/"+token_archive.split('/')[-1]],shell=True)"Resulting archive is at "+archive_location+"/"+token_archive.split('/')[-1])
[docs]def modify_parset(parset_path, freq_res, time_res, OBSID, flags, demix_sources ): """Takes in a base_parset path and changes the time and frequency resolution parameters of this parset. Saves it into a tempfile. Returns the tempfile_path""" fh, abs_path = mkstemp() with open(parset_path, 'r') as file: filedata = #filedata = re.sub(r'\! avg_timestep\s+=\s\S?', # "! avg_timestep = "+str(int(time_res)), filedata) #filedata = re.sub(r'\! avg_freqstep\s+=\s\S?', # "! avg_freqstep = "+str(int(freq_res)), filedata) filedata = re.sub(r'\! flag_baselines\s+=\s+\W\W', "! flag_baselines = "+flags+ "\n", filedata) filedata = re.sub(r'\! demix_sources\s+=\s+\W\W\S+', "! demix_sources = "+demix_sources+ "\n", filedata) if 'demix_sources' != 'None': filedata = re.sub(r'\! demix_step\s+=\s+\W\W +\S+\W\W\W', "! demix_sources = {{ demix }} "+ "\n", filedata) file_ending=".MS" if 'gsmcal_solve' in filedata: file_ending='.ms' filedata = re.sub(r'\! target_input_pattern\s+=\s\S+', "! target_input_pattern = " + str(OBSID) + "*" + file_ending, filedata) if 'calib_cal' in filedata: file_ending=".MS" if 'h5imp_cal' in filedata: file_ending=".ndppp_prep_cal" filedata = re.sub(r'\! cal_input_pattern\s+=\s\S+', "! cal_input_pattern = "+str(OBSID)+"*"+file_ending, filedata) with open(abs_path, 'w') as pars_file: pars_file.write(filedata) os.chmod(abs_path, 0o666 ) return(abs_path)
[docs]def modify_parset_from_fields_task(parsets_dict={}, fields_task=None, time_avg=8, freq_avg=2, flags=None, **context): """Takes a dict of 'original' parsets and the task with the fields information which will be used to update the averaging paremetes. Returns a dict of the 'name':'location' of the modified parsets, so they can be used by the upload tokens task""" field_dict = context['ti'].xcom_pull(fields_task) targ_freq = int(field_dict['targ_freq_resolution'])/freq_avg targ_time = time_avg/int(math.floor(float(field_dict['targ_time_resolution']))) cal_freq = int(field_dict['calib_freq_resolution'])/freq_avg cal_time = time_avg/int(math.floor(float(field_dict['calib_time_resolution']))) cal_OBSID = field_dict['calib_OBSID'] targ_OBSID = field_dict['target_OBSID'] demix_sources = field_dict['demix_sources'] resulting_parsets = {} if not flags: flags = ", ".join(field_dict['baseline_filter'].split(" ")) for p_name, p_path in parsets_dict.items(): if "Calib" in p_name: resulting_parsets[p_name] = modify_parset(p_path, cal_freq, cal_time, cal_OBSID, flags, 'None') if "Targ" in p_name: resulting_parsets[p_name] = modify_parset(p_path, targ_freq, targ_time, targ_OBSID, flags, demix_sources) return resulting_parsets
[docs]def set_user_proxy_var(proxy_location): os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY']=proxy_location
[docs]def set_field_status(fields_file, cal_OBSID, targ_OBSID, field_name, status): fh, abs_path = mkstemp() with fdopen(fh,'w') as tmp_f: with open(fields_file,'r') as f: for line in f: if line.split(',')[11] == field_name and "L"+line.split(',')[1] == targ_OBSID and "L"+line.split(',')[6] == cal_OBSID:"Setting field"+str(field_name)+" to status "+str(status)) tmp_f.write(str(','.join([str(status)]+line.split(',')[1:]))) else: tmp_f.write(line) remove(fields_file) move(abs_path, fields_file) os.chmod(fields_file, 0o666 )
[docs]def set_field_status_from_taskid(fields_file, task_id, status, **context): """sets the field status as the status input variable""" field_data=context['ti'].xcom_pull(task_id) field_name = field_data['field_name'] cal_OBSID = field_data['calib_OBSID'] targ_OBSID = field_data['target_OBSID'] set_field_status(fields_file, cal_OBSID, targ_OBSID, field_name, status)
[docs]def get_list_from_dir(base_dir, **context): OBSID = context['dag_run'].conf.get('OBSID') OBSID= "1231231" directory = str(base_dir + OBSID) fold = gsifile.GSIFile(directory) files = [i.location for i in fold.list_dir()] files=[] return files
[docs]def copy_gsifile(src, dest): dest_loc = dest.location if dest.is_dir: dest_loc+='/' mv = subprocess.Popen(['globus-url-copy', src.location, dest_loc], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = mv.communicate() if out[1]!='': print(out[1]) return out
[docs]def copy_to_archive(src_dir='gsi', dest_dir='gsi', **context): OBSID = get_task_instance(context, 'get_field_properties')['target_OBSID'] src_dir = src_dir+'/'+OBSID+"/" dest_dir = dest_dir+"/"+OBSID+"/""Destination directory is {}".format(dest_dir)) mk_res = subprocess.Popen(['uberftp', '-mkdir', dest_dir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) mk_res.communicate() src_files = gsifile.GSIFile(src_dir).list_dir() dest_dir_obj = gsifile.GSIFile(dest_dir) for source_file in src_files: copy_gsifile(source_file, dest_dir_obj)
[docs]def set_field_status_from_task_return(fields_file, task_id, status_task, **context): """Sets the field status based on the (String) reuturned by the status_task variable """ field_data=context['ti'].xcom_pull(task_id) return_data=context['ti'].xcom_pull(status_task) field_name = field_data['field_name'] cal_OBSID = field_data['calib_OBSID'] targ_OBSID = field_data['target_OBSID'] set_field_status(fields_file, cal_OBSID, targ_OBSID, field_name, return_data)
[docs]def get_field_location_from_srmlist(srmlist_task, srmfile_key='targ_srmfile', **context): """Gets the srmlist from a task and returns the location of the field IE the LTA location where the raw data is stored""" field_loc="U" #U=unknown srm_data=context['ti'].xcom_pull(srmlist_task) srmfile=srm_data[srmfile_key] _s_list=srmlist() for i in open(srmfile,'r').read().split(): _s_list.append(i) if _s_list.lta_location == 'juelich': return "juelich" if _s_list.lta_location == 'sara': return "sara" if _s_list.lta_location == 'poznan': return "poznan" return "UNK"
[docs]def check_if_running_field(fields_file): """ Checks if there are fields that are running (ie not completed, or Error) Returns True if running, False if not """ for i in open(fields_file,'r').read().split(): status=i.split(',')[0] if status=='AAA' or status=='SSS' or status=='CCC': return True return False
[docs]def get_srmfile_from_dir(srmdir,field_task, var_calib="SKSP_Prod_Calibrator_srm_file", var_targ="SKSP_Prod_Target_srm_file", **context): field_data=context['ti'].xcom_pull(field_task) cal_OBSID=field_data['calib_OBSID'] targ_OBSID=field_data['target_OBSID'] calib_srmfile=srmdir+'srm'+str(cal_OBSID.split('L')[-1])+".txt" targ_srmfile=srmdir+'srm'+str(targ_OBSID.split('L')[-1])+".txt" Variable.set(var_calib, calib_srmfile) Variable.set(var_targ, targ_srmfile)"Calib_srmfile is "+calib_srmfile)"Targ_srmfile is "+targ_srmfile) return {'cal_srmfile':calib_srmfile, 'targ_srmfile':targ_srmfile, "CAL_OBSID": cal_OBSID, "TARG_OBSID": targ_OBSID}
[docs]def get_next_field(fields_file, indicator='SND', **context): """Determines the next field to be processed, uses the set_field_status function to set its status to started(). By default it locks SARA tokens (marked SND in the first column of the fields_file), however using the indicator variable, other files can be locked """ for i in open(fields_file,'r').read().split('\n'): if not i.split(',')[0] == indicator: continue l=i.split(',') break field_information = {'target_OBSID':'L'+l[1], 'targ_freq_resolution':l[3], 'targ_time_resolution':l[4], 'calib_OBSID':'L'+l[6], 'calib_freq_resolution':l[8], 'calib_time_resolution':l[9], 'field_name':l[11], 'sanitized_field_name':l[11].replace('+','_'), 'baseline_filter':l[12]}"Field Information is: "+str(field_information)) return field_information
[docs]def count_files_uberftp(directory): num_files=0 c=subprocess.Popen(['uberftp','-ls', directory], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out=c.communicate() if len(out[0]) == 0: logging.warning("srmls failed to find a directory!! ") return 0 #if 'lofsksp' not in out[0]: # logging.warning("no link found in folder!, returning 0 files") # return 0 file_list=[directory+"/"+str(i.split()[-1]) for i in str(out[0]).strip().split("\r\n")] return len(file_list)
[docs]def get_var_from_task_decorator(Cls, upstream_task_id="", upstream_return_key="",u_task=None): """wrapper for functions that require an fixed input, which is here provided by a previous task""" # upstream_return=context['ti'].xcom_pull(task_ids=upstream_task_id) upstream_return={upstream_return_key:"test"} return_value=upstream_return[upstream_return_key] Cls.srmfile=return_value return Cls
[docs]def count_from_task(srmlist_task, srmfile_name, task_if_less, task_if_more, pipeline="SKSP",step='pref_cal2', min_num_files=1, parent_dag=False, **context): srmlist_task = get_task_instance(context, srmlist_task, parent_dag=parent_dag ) srmlist = srmlist_task[srmfile_name] return(count_grid_files(srmlist, task_if_less,task_if_more, pipeline=pipeline,step=step, min_num_files=min_num_files))
[docs]def check_folder_for_files(folder,number=1): """Raises an exception (IE FAILS) if the (gsiftp) folder has less than 'number' files By default fails if folder is empty""" num_files = count_files_uberftp(folder) if num_files < number: raise ValueError("Not enough Files ("+ str(num_files)+"<"+str(number)+") in "+ str(folder)) return
[docs]def check_folder_for_files_from_task(taskid, xcom_key, number, **context): """Either uses number to see how many files should be there or checks the number of tokens in the view TODO:make this the right way""" xcom_results = context['ti'].xcom_pull(task_ids=taskid) path = xcom_results[xcom_key] if isinstance(number,int): check_folder_for_files(path,number) else: if 'view' in xcom_results.keys(): view = xcom_results['view'] if 'token_type' in xcom_results.keys(): t_type = xcom_results['token_type'] pc = picas_cred() th = token.TokenHandler(t_type=t_type, uname=pc.user, pwd=pc.password, dbn=pc.database) number = len(th.list_tokens_from_view(view)) check_folder_for_files(path,number)
[docs]def check_folder_for_files_from_tokens(task_id, dummy, number, **context): xcom_results = context['ti'].xcom_pull(task_ids=task_id) tokens = list(xcom_results['token_ids']) token_type = xcom_results['token_type'] pc = picas_cred() client = CouchDB(pc.user,pc.password, url='',connect=True) db=client[pc.database] tokenlist=TokenList(token_type=token_type, database=db) for token_id in tokens: tokenlist.append(caToken(database=db, token_type=token_type, token_id=token_id)) tokenlist.fetch() for t in tokenlist: if t['status']!='done': raise RuntimeError("Token {} is not in status 'done' but in status {}".format(t['_id'],t['status'])) print("All jobs in status 'done' ") locations = [t['Results_location'] for t in tokenlist] if len(locations) < number: print("Only {} files found!".format(len(locations))) for output_file in locations: c = subprocess.Popen(['uberftp','-ls', output_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = c.communicate() if not out[0].decode().strip().split('\n')[0] : print("{} not found".format(output_file))
[docs]def count_grid_files(srmlist_file, task_if_less, task_if_more, pipeline="SKSP",step='pref_cal1',min_num_files=1): """ An airflow function that branches depending on whether there are calibrator or target solutions matching the files in the srmlist. """ srml=srmlist() for line in open(srmlist_file).readlines(): srml.append(line) num_files = count_files_uberftp('gsi'+str(pipeline)+'/'+str(step)+'/'+str(srml.obsid)) if num_files >= min_num_files: return task_if_more else: return task_if_less
[docs]def stage_if_needed(stage_task, run_if_staged, run_if_not_staged, **context): """This function takes the check_if_staged task and stages the files if None is returned. Otherwise it passes the srmlist to the 'join' task and the processing continues """ staged_status=context['ti'].xcom_pull(task_ids=stage_task) if staged_status['staged']: return run_if_staged else: return run_if_not_staged
[docs]def create_gsiftp_directory(gsiftp_directory):'GSIFTP directory ' + gsiftp_directory) task = subprocess.Popen(['uberftp','-mkdir',gsiftp_directory], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = task.communicate()
[docs]def delete_gsiftp_files(gsiftp_directory): del_task = subprocess.Popen(['uberftp','-rm',gsiftp_directory+"/*"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output = del_task.communicate() if output[1] != '': logging.warn("Error deleting files:") logging.warn(output[1]) return gsiftp_directory
[docs]def delete_gsiftp_from_task(root_dir, OBSID_task, **context): """A task that returns OBSID, and a root directory come together in this function to gracefully delete all files in this here directory """ task_results=context['ti'].xcom_pull(task_ids=OBSID_task) OBSID=task_result['OBSID'] logging.debug('Deleting files from directory '+str(root_dir)+"/"+str(OBSID)) delete_gsiftp_files(root_dir+"/"+OBSID_task)